Hello and welcome

Hello and welcome to my workshop blog

Coming soon

Details of what I do in my workshop which will be of interest to people who like fixing or making things.

2 thoughts on “Hello and welcome”

  1. Hello
    I have a Valor/Primus camp stove. It has as best as I can tell a slight leak between the 2 solder ‘halves’ of the fuel tank. I coloured the solder with felt tip pen and pumped some pressure into the tank. I put some paper under the tank and left it for a couple of weeks. There was a small place where the felt tip pen marking had been removed. Is there an easy and cheep way to fix this? [The price quoted to resolder was far more than the cost of buying new] I wonder if some of the petrol tank liquid sealant poured into the tank would work and could you recommend some the type?

    1. It would be better to ask on my YouTube channel. You would want to resolder, and the only way to work that out would be by trial and error. You would also need to know what solder to use. Most likely old fashioned leaded plumbers solder.

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